Monday, January 28, 2013

Weight loss fasting, Is it SAFE?

Five Great Foods That Will Keep Your Liver from Conking Out

Ask anyone how healthy the typical Western diet is, and they’re likely to say ‘Not very!’ One of the first organs to fall victim to bad eating is the liver, due to its many functions and variety of stresses placed upon it. If you want your liver to still be healthy and to work with your metabolism, you’ll have to add a little something special to your diet.
However, these additions don’t need to be huge alterations to your lifestyle. Most of the things that will keep your liver going for the long haul are perfectly ordinary foods that cost less than what you’re already eating!
Fruits known for being high in antioxidants are one of the key things your liver needs.
This can be fresh fruit or fresh fruit juice, but shouldn’t generally be processed fruit products. This is because processed food tends to process out all the useful nutrients while adding in sugars and other unhealthy additives that are little better than junk food.
Prunes, raisins, apples, and various kinds of berries such as strawberries are highly preferable and can be eaten as regular snacks or turned into beverages in juice form.
If fruits aren’t something you fancy, then there are other plant-based options for a meal that makes your liver happy. Like salads? Then you might want to try adding in some chicory, dandelion greens, or endive.
These are versatile ingredients that can be added in small, non-obtrusive amounts to most kinds of salads. Therefore they’re one of the least demanding of pro-liver foods you can add into your life.
Onions and garlic are two flavorful favorites that can add a lot
  to a meal, and unlike most strongly-flavored ingredients don’t have a negative impact on the liver. However, you don’t get the same benefits from just using a powder or flavor supplement based on these vegetables. Use the real thing, or don’t bother.
You might notice that all of these suggested foods are plant-based. It’s true that there are very few meat-based foods that your liver needs.
However, if you stick to lean varieties of meat and eat it only moderately, you’ll find that your liver can handle pretty much anything reasonable that you throw at it. Make sure that you also consume healthy calves liver also. So don’t feel the need to become a vegetarian!
As a final cautionary note, don’t forget to avoid excessive alcohol, which is a definite bane of your poor long-suffering liver. You can remove the liver-harming elements by using it as a cooking agent instead of drinking it directly.
So you see, there are plenty of ways to include all the things you normally enjoy in a liver-healthy life… without really needing to give up the flavors that make life worth living!
If you want the REAL truth on eating the correct foods for permanent fat loss, read these 7 tips to losing weight fast the smart and effective way. You can also watch our video on a strange tip on how to slim down fast by clicking here.
Enjoy, and good luck with your nutrition endeavors!
Comments (1)September 16th, 2010Posted by Dr. Charles D.C. in Detox For Weight Loss

Relying On Ketosis To Truly Lose Weight Fasting – And Not Just Water Weight!

There’s considerable controversy about how effective fasting for weight loss is. Many fasting plans try to get around this by offering some random, very specific plan, such as a juice fasting plan or water fasting diets. But all these minor differences simply obscure the primary things you need to know to get effective weight loss from your fast. Yes, a fast can be effective at dropping your weight, but you need to do it right! And surprisingly enough, that doesn’t necessarily mean drinking some very specific concoction during the fast.
If you really want to lose weight with a fast, you need to know the science behind it. It starts with something called ketosis. Ketosis is a perfectly natural thing that happens to your body once certain nutrients dip too low. Anyone who fasts for long will experience it, as will many diabetics. Now, here’s the important part so many detractors and proponents alike will skip around: before your body goes into ketosis, you’re not burning fat.
Prior to this process, your body is only using up water weight. This weight will be put back on very rapidly once you begin eating again. Learn to spot the signs of ketosis, such as altered body aroma, so that you know when you’re starting to actual lose the fat. Once you’re in ketosis, how long you choose to continue fasting should depend, not just on the weight you want to lose, but on general mental and physical health. You may be able to fast for a surprising amount of time, even weeks on end, before needing to stop. However, others will only be able to keep it up for a few days. But regardless, if you’re stopping before you’re going into ketosis, you might as well not even bother. This is the reason why so many people complain that fasting-based weight loss is ineffective.
There are a number of reasons why you might not want to try fasting in the first place, of course. Do you experience a psychologically or stressful environment? Are you unwilling to take a break from your workout regimen? Do you take any form of medication regularly, even something mild and over the counter? Do you suffer any medical conditions, particularly those that mitigate the effectiveness of nutrition intake? Don’t take the risk, if any of these apply to you. Instead, try a normal diet. Fasting will be there for you when you’re ready for it, so there’s no need whatsoever to rush.
Comments (0)September 5th, 2010Posted by Dr. Charles D.C. in Detox For Weight Loss

Fasting Is The Quickest Way To Lose Weight

Those who wish to use fasting for fat loss will frequently have two basic, overriding questions when they begin: How long shoud they fast, and how often? These are questions without easy answers, but if you’re willing to consider all the factors and move through it patiently, you’ll certainly find the answer that’s correct for you. Some general guidelines, however, are applicable to all individuals, and it is helpful rules like these that we’ll use to show you the correct method to fast. And it doesn’t matter if you’re using water fasting diets, detox fasting, or some other form of fasting..
. these foundational principles apply to all of it!
There’s no mystery behind fasting for individuals who want to lose fat. It’s really intuitive: you stop eating and keep yourself fueled having a minimum amount of liquids, forcing your entire body to adjust by burning off body fat. Nevertheless, done improperly it will cause your health to degrade rapidly. And you definitely shouldn’t try a fast whilst maintaining a physically demanding lifestyle! Thus, fasting is best carried out by those who can afford to not tire themselves out frequently. If you’re on an exercise regimen, you may need to drop it for a little while to fast properly. One way around this would be to fast regularly, but in short periods. By fasting once every two or more days, you can work it into your normal schedule safely. However, while this is superb for temporary weight loss, it’s not always greatest for long term fat loss.
You need to begin by understanding that a fast has to last longer than twelve hours to be effective at losing weight. That’s simply because the body use body fat as its first, preferential fuel source. It has to burn through several other sources very quickly, and only by the time twelve hours have passed will it finally begin utilizing fat. Precisely how long you are able to fast depends on your body type, and how much fat you have stored up. People with much more overall body fat will be able to fast for a lot longer than somebody having a skinny, light build. You might be surprised at how long you can last… you’re definitely not going to die from just a few days, and in most cases not even from a week or two. Even thirty or forty days isn’t out from the question for those prepared for it!
The signal to end your fasting is when you’ve lost nearly all your fat, and your appetite is sharply increasing. This is really a message from your entire body telling you that it requires food soon, because it is almost out of reserves. Obey your entire body, and give it what it wants. Most of the time, you’ll have broken your fast voluntarily far before this ever becomes an issue. So do not be afraid of fasting… it can be your friend, if you’re willing to let it be.
Comments (0)August 29th, 2010Posted by Dr. Charles D.C. in Detox For Weight Loss

When is it Safe to Try Weight Loss Fasting?

Fasting for weight loss is becoming a more popular option in the modern world where many people are pressed for time and would happily embrace any reasonable excuse to just skip a few meals every once in a while. While they can be effective when done properly, these fasts put a lot of stress on the body. This stress isn’t always appropriate for people with certain conditions or lifestyles. It can be extremely dangerous for people to fast if they not physically and mentally prepared to handle it. So when is it NOT okay to try a typical water or juice fasting weight loss method?
Pregnant and nursing women are the first category to go. If those conditions apply to you, you shouldn’t even think of fasting. Your body needs all the nutrition it can get, since it’s literally feeding two people instead of one.
You should also avoid juice fasting for weight loss if you can’t use juices derived from fruits or vegetables you normally enjoy. If you’ve never tried a particular fruit before, don’t try it on a fast! Suffering an allergic attack in such circumstances is potentially very dangerous. You should only use juices derived from things you’ve already had and know your body can tolerate. Remember that even such innocent produce as pineapples, peaches, and bananas can be the focus of allergic reactions.
Diabetics generally should not fast unless their condition is mild, and should consult a doctor beforehand in any case. Diabetics who require medication are not recommended to fast unless their doctor explicitly approves. For that matter, if you’re taking any medications at all, you should talk to your doctor about how fasting may interact with them. The complex dance between medicines and body chemistry is still far from figured out. Rely on the experts.
Other medical conditions related to nutrition can also be issues. If your body starts out with a serious nutritional deficiency due to some defect or other, then depriving it of what little it can get just isn’t a good idea. And if you’re sick from a cold, flu, or some other illness? Forget about it.
But for all that, the average healthy or even just moderately unhealthy person can safely fast for a week or more with no ill effects. Don’t forget that there are many kinds of fasts to try, too… juice fasts, detox fasts, even plain water fasts. Pick the one that works for you, if you feel that you’re ready.
Comments (2)August 16th, 2010Posted by Dr. Charles D.C. in Detox For Weight Loss

How You Can Safely Shed Belly Fat Fasting

Although the idea of fasting for body weight loss rather than for religious purposes is becoming much more popular in recent times, frequently individuals who know relatively little about the fasting process go about it the wrong way. This results in not only not much lost weight, but damage to the body and needless disruption of one’s emotional wellbeing. A safe, healthy quick will follow certain rules that anyone ought to be aware of before even thinking seriously about fasting.
There are numerous various kinds of fasts, and you should know which one is right for your objectives, lifestyle, and entire body kind. The most drastic is the water-only quick, while other fasts might permit juices, or only disallow animal-based products. But whatever your quick type, you should be sure to maintain your liquid intake high, even if it’s only water. The entire body can survive a relatively long time without having food, but only three days without drinking water. This is even much more important when you’re not obtaining any food at all, since liquids will be your only incoming source of nourishment. Make no mistake, you need every drop if you wish to maintain functioning.
You should also prevent exercise, even though sounds counterintuitive for the fitness-conscious. Any heavy physical exertion throughout a quick will only put more strain on your entire body that it can’t easily deal with. You’ll drastically decrease your drinking water supplies through sweating, which as we’ve discussed above is a body thing. Psychological stress should also be avoided, because it causes your body to tense up and pressure itself. Attempt to relax and focus on quiet and serenity. These seemingly theological goals are really really practical for wholesome drinking water fasting diets. Even negative emotions can be bad, since tears are just another way of losing precious moisture.
Don’t gorge yourself just before a fast or just after one, though. Certain, you need the nutrients, but going from heavy fuel to nothing isn’t something your body knows how you can handle. The outcomes is going to be uncomfortable at best, and might be really hard on your digestive system, which will hinder both enjoying the quick itself and enjoying finishing it. Try to ‘ramp down’ gradually and the ease your self up again at the end.
These are all fairly basic tips that anybody can and ought to stick to if they wish to lose weight via fasting effectively and pleasantly. There’s never a time when you do not wish to follow them, regardless of whether you are drinking water fasting, juice fasting, or utilizing some other kind of quick technique. So let them be your guide to make your body happy and your mind peaceful!
Comments (0)August 9th, 2010Posted by Dr. Charles D.C. in Detox For Weight Loss

The Proper Use of Herbal Colon Cleansers To Help You Lose Weight Fast

Utilizing an organic colon cleanse product right can do you a world of great, but utilized wrongly, they can be some from the most damaging dietary supplements on the market. Although each product will contain different mixtures of herbs that have to be treated differently, there are lots of common ingredients and techniques shared between products. And because of that, it’s fairly simple to develop basic guidelines for safely getting your colon cleansed via herbal items. Any source that endorses going against these simple rules ought to be taken as extremely suspect.
We can begin having a clarification of what colon cleansers can’t do… or rather, what you shouldn’t expect them to be performing. Should you suffer from bowel-related healthcare problems that could be solved by conventional medicine or an operation, do not use off the shelf colon cleansers as a cheaper alternative. Not only will they not do the same job, as they’re not meant to be a substitute for strong medication or surgery, but they are able to sometimes even cause further difficulties in a system that’s already weak or seriously damaged.
So what are organic colon cleansers for, then? They are for when traditional medicine has failed, and you are left having a life filled with frequent feelings of lethargy, bloating, loose stools, stomach cramps, or other symptoms of chronic indigestion. In these circumstances, natural herbal elements can assist to relieve symptoms that Western medicine hasn’t yet developed a thorough answer for. That’s what you can use organic cleansers for.
Usually use these items sparingly, and never ‘double up’ on doses throughout extreme situations. The results will often be extremely unpleasant and in some cases will really cause internal blockages rather than solving them. You shouldn’t take overly large doses or overly frequent doses, and you certainly shouldn’t make cleansers a part of your regular diet. After all, if you’re partaking of a reasonably healthy lifestyle to begin with, you won’t be filling your body back up with gunk and toxins every day from the week or even each and every week of the month.
Read the list of elements in any product very thoroughly, and be aware of potential allergens. If possible, try taking each ingredient separately before enjoying a cleanser that blends them all together. This will verify that they’re safe for you.
Lastly but perhaps most extremely in importance, usually consult your doctor prior to cleansing your colon with herb items, if you’ve a pre-existing healthcare condition. Even seemingly unrelated conditions can interact in unforeseen ways having a cleanser, and the field of medical and herbal interactions is still a murky one at best. Should you do not take any medicines or have any pre-existing conditions, then you are most likely safe, assuming you stick with trustworthy colon cleansers, of which there are many.
Comments (0)August 2nd, 2010Posted by Dr. Charles D.C. in Detox For Weight Loss

What’s In the Typical Herb-Based Colon Cleansing Product

There are many different products that claim to cleanse colons, but there are somewhat fewer different ingredients between them. In fact, the more you look, the more you’ll find that many products use the same ingredients, only in different quantities. Instead of finding out which one is right for you by trying every single one, isn’t it better to have an idea of what the ingredients do and why they’re included? This article will help inform you in this direction, so that you can sort placebos from meaningful herb inclusions.
Ginger is very common due to its long history in Eastern medicine. It’s not all hogwash, though – ginger is proven to be an effective defense against diarrhea. It’s also strongly suspected to help against nausea, but scientific studies on whether this is true or not is still ongoing. In general, it’s an ingredient often taken to moderate the effects of other potent laxatives included. Fennel is a similar ingredient, included purely to fight the effects of other ingredients due to its ability to reduce intestinal gas.
Peppermint is also known to combat the symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome, including abdominal pain, bloating, and distention. Although not a sure-fire cure, it’s definitely better than a mere placebo.
Then, of course, there’s the laxatives. Flax seeds, bearberry, rhubarb, guar gum, and many, many more. They can only rarely be taken undiluted, but most products will use the above ingredients to dilute them anyway, so it’s not usually a cause for worry.
Alfalfa is also commonly found in many products. However, this is mostly due to its history of being used in herbal medicine, rather than based on scientific evidence. Therefore you should be careful with products containing larger quantities of alfalfa than other, proven herbs.
For all its common appearance in many commercials and in so many products, aloe vera’s uses as a colon cleanser are sadly questionable. Studies are far from finished analyzing the true cleansing benefits of the herb. While it’s definitely great for your skin, whether it’s equally good for your internal organs is, for the moment, still open to question.
Finally, some products may make use of paprika or other hot spices, for their general body-cleansing reputations. However, these spices have little to do with the colon specifically unless taken in doses large enough to be uncomfortable.
While we haven’t mentioned all the possible ingredients used in herbal colon cleansing, we have gone through all the major ones. Hopefully now you feel a little more prepared to shop for the right colon cleanser… and avoid the wrong ones.
Comments (0)July 21st, 2010Posted by Dr. Charles D.C. in Detox For Weight Loss

Choosing Herbal Products for Colon Cleansing

There are far too many different products on the herb-based body cleansing market for anyone to know what to look for at first. But you can take a shortcut instead of doing all the research, and just take our word on some of the better products currently available. You don’t have to trust us, though… we’ll explain why these products are good colon cleansers, and you can verify those facts for yourself, if you like!
Colonix is a pretty difficult product to miss, with effective if tolerably non-loud marketing. The top ingredients in this product are, in order: psyllium husks, flax seed, fennel, licorice, aloe vera, grapefruit, papaya, slippery elm bark, marshmellow root, rhubarb, alfalfa, guar gum, peppermint, and uva ursi. That’s a mouthful, but don’t worry, we’re not going to examine them all. Take a look at flax seed, for instance. It’s a known, reliable laxative, in addition to being a blood sugar stabilizer. Aloe performs a very similar function, in addition to its numerous other benefits you’re probably already aware of.
If Colonix isn’t quite your price, you may want to try Organic Bowel Cleanse from the Renew Life company instead. Besides being cheaper, it has a more comprehensive ingredient list with specified quantities for some of the more prominent items. As with Colonix, flax also features prominently here. Oat bran is another great major ingredient choice. Acacia fiber is a third useful herbal ingredient, mostly based on making the absorbing of nutrients by the gastrointestinal tract more efficient.
Dr. Schulze products are also definitely worth mentioning. Like the other examples, they work mostly through natural herbs. Unlike the others, though, particular care is taken into offering optional planned packages that help you organize your colon cleansing on a daily basis. While sometimes expensive, overall the added guidelines are a definite help that many find worth it. Some unusual ingredient choices are evident in many of their toxin-fighting wares, such as red clover blossom, burdock root, and habanero pepper. However, these are all verified to be useful for aiding digestion and clearing the body of unwanted waste and toxins.
All this is really just the tip of the iceberg, though. If you’ve tried those and seen no positive results, or you don’t like the look of them, there are plenty of other options out there. We’ve just shared some of the most popular ones with you, in the hopes that you’ll like them as much as we do.
Comments (0)July 14th, 2010Posted by Dr. Charles D.C. in Detox For Weight Loss

Your Top Choices in Herb-Based Colon Cleansing

While the colon cleanse is an often avoided technique for bodily health due to perceived unpleasantness, there are ways to cleanse your colon that are less invasive than others. Take the herb-based method, for example. This is one of the most widely used techniques because it’s so easy and has minimal unpleasant side effects. Many of the herbs used are available in tea form, making them especially easy to enjoy. Different herb mixtures are recommended by various sources, but we’ll list some of the most common herbs used, as well as why they’re used in the first place. That will let you decide for yourself which herbs and how much of any particular kind you should try.
Various forms of senna, which is actually a broad category of plants rather than a single herb, are often found in colon-cleansing herb formulas. This is because senna is known to relieve constipation. It stimulates the lower bowel slightly to cause more fluid movements. Like the well-known aloe, it’s considered a purgative type of herb, but lacks aloe’s legal restrictions on use.
Cascara, which is known by a number of other names and is a subdivision of buckberry, is known as a potent laxative. Like aloe, however, it has restrictions on how it can be used in certain products, and overuse is known to cause side effects such as abdominal discomfort. Although a legitimate ingredient in many colon-cleansing products, it should be taken with care.
Interested in a more well-known and less risky herb? In that case, ginger should be at the top of your list. Unlike many laxative ingredients, it actually fights diarrhea instead of risking it. It’s also one of the few safe cures for nausea for pregnant women, and has general benefits towards preventing or reducing inflammation, diabetes, and various other symptoms and conditions. And if you like Asian food, it’s definitely the easiest herb to work into your diet!
Perhaps the most distinctive common ingredient in herb products for colon-cleansing is the cayenne pepper. It’s difficult to miss the use of this hot plant, but if you can withstand it, you’ll find that it has many positive qualities. By causing sweating and increasing blood flow, it helps your body cleanse itself more rapidly than it would normally be able to do.
While there are other herbs in use in some products, these are the four bases for most popular products. Feel free to use them independently, mixed into your diet, or in medicinal form. What’s most important is that your body gets the treatment it needs to be free of toxins, no matter how it gets done.
Comments (0)July 10th, 2010Posted by Dr. Charles D.C. in Detox For Weight Loss

The Best Herbal Colon Cleanses

There are numerous ways on the market to cleanse your colon, some of them less natural and convenient than others. If you’re leery of trying something artificial like a processed pill, or awkward like an enema, then herb-based cleanses are probably your best option. Sometimes, stepping back from the complexity of civilization and going back to natural methods is the best thing to do, as well as the simplest.
Herbs known for cleansing the colon and other parts of the body can be prepared in many ways, but the most basic is in tea form. By brewing the herbs in water, you get the essence of the plant and nothing else. This makes for a purer drink than anything you would find in a supermarket, and you can be sure it will have all the cleansing effects of the original plant with no added surprises.
The second option is simply to use a smoothie. This allows you to have a wider variety of ingredients and an enjoyable cold drink instead of a warm one. For some ingredients, the lack of brewing can also help preserve all the relevant nutrients to better funnel them into your body. Herbs can be placed in these drinks just as easily as other healthy items such as acai berries or flaxseeds.
There are many different herbal ingredients that you can use, and which ones you select is largely up to availability, price, and personal preference. Prune juice is one obvious choice, but even things you wouldn’t consider normally in a beverage, such as dandelion, licorice, or ginger root can be used.
One primary herb to consider is senna. Known for relieving constipation and other bowel-related issues, senna has had a presence in medicine for centuries. Besides its primary purposes, it’s also said to be able to reduce appetite, making it useful for dieting as well.
Cascara or bearberry is another popular option, although using it requires more care. Due to the abdominal pains and other issues caused by overdosing on the product, it should be included in your diet with caution. However, it’s legendarily effective at cleansing the colon when taken in the appropriate amounts, and in fact its very name is derived from its potency in this area.
There are many more herbs out there to choose from, and more methods of preparation. These are simply some of the most favored of each, and should be sufficient to get you started on your journey towards colon health.

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